Connecting Ducks

From planning and perfecting term-long graphics campaigns consisting of weekly posts promoting Bingo and Trivia Nights and larger one-off events like 80s Nite, to adjusting the brand to bring the visual identity of Connect the Ducks closer to its conceptual truth, my work with Connect the Ducks has informed and initiated the development of my advertising and marketing skills.

Weekly posts doing the most

The crux of Connect the Ducks’ communications can be seen in our weekly posts promoting the week’s bingo or trivia event. My graphics designer, Darrel Harrison, and I determine a visual theme for the term and work together to create cute drawings that draw on the Connect the Ducks identity and draw students in. Here are the latest designs, as seen on our Instagram.

A trip back in a DeLorean

Every term, Connect the Ducks throws a big student event. In Spring, its Carnival, in Fall, it’s Halloween, and in this past Winter, we threw 80s Nite. Offering roller skating, arcade and board games, food, and a Photo Booth, this event offered the perfect opportunity to flex my marketing skills and reach a larger student audience. With posters and flyers displayed across campus, I scheduled and executed posts both promoting and introducing 80s Nite. These efforts between my graphic designer and I, including a double sided flyer with volunteer sign-up info on the back and an informational Reel) overflowed our volunteer capacity, forcing us to turn down over 20 volunteer applicants, and propelled attendance well past out expectations (we ran out of pizza in the first hour and a half). Experience our executions below.

Re-branding with a purpose

One does not casually rebrand.

I began by analyzing the core concepts of Connect the Ducks, deliberately diving deep into the brand’s purpose and role in student life at the University of Oregon. My in-house graphic designer Darrel Harrison and I decided on a set of colors and fonts that matched this message and inspired creativity, rather than limiting it. Connect the Ducks’ updated brand book is linked below.


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