Giants Key

Worn down from years of use, Giants Key was the first key I received to my childhood home. A birthday present cut at Home Depot to match the original house key, this dinky piece of metal followed me through middle and high school. It saw early mornings, late nights, and every high and low of my teenage life. It has survived being dropped, thrown, scratched, and lost. After a long and strenuous career, Giants Key was dutifully let go as I was gifted the shiny Sword Key as an 18th birthday present. Although unable to attend high school graduation, it assisted and accompanied me through the tough years. Giants Key welcomed each new member of the keychain with a cracked smile.

When Sword Key broke in early 2021, Giants Key kindly came out of retirement to resume the duty of opening the front door. This task came easy and was done without grumble or whine as Giants Key accompanied me until a new Sword Key finally allowed Giants Key to retire and rest.




Keys and FOB